Tag: Obesity

  • Fats to Limit for Heart Health

    Fats to Limit for Heart Health

    Fats to Limit For Heart Health If you have high blood pressure or hypertension, it’s important to keep your heart healthy and keep an eye on your fat intake.Too much fat, especially saturated fats, will raise your blood cholesterol levels, which like high blood pressure, can lead to heart disease and stroke. There are three…

  • Ways to Find Local Support

    Ways to Find Local Support

    Ways to Find Local Support People are motivated by different things, and together with your coach you will find out what motivates you.  Many people find it motivating to join support groups where you meet people who share the same or similar health goals as you. Here are some examples of groups, classes, and clubs…

  • Congratulations


    Congratulations! You have successfully completed the first half of your new lifestyle program. Take a moment and think back when you first started this journey.  What changes have you noticed? We started with education, and weight logging. How has your weight changed since you first started this program?  Do you notice any differences in how…

  • The Link Between Sitting Still and Type 2 Diabetes

    The Link Between Sitting Still and Type 2 Diabetes

    Why should I take a Fitness Break? Research has linked sitting for long periods of time with a number of health concerns, including a 112% increase in your risk of type 2 diabetes and a 147% increase in heart disease risk. Sitting for long periods of time burns fewer calories and can lead to weight…

  • Healthy Food Choices

    Healthy Food Choices

    Healthy Choices Making healthy choices is part of a healthy approach to eating. As a general rule, you should choose items that: Are low in calories, fat, and sugar Are high in fiber and water Are high in vitamins, minerals, and protein Make Healthy Choices Enjoyable Here are some ways to make healthy choices enjoyable. …

  • Eat the Right Amount of Food

    Eat the Right Amount of Food

    Eat the Right Amount of Food When you get hungry, you may feel a rumbling stomach, or a light headache. Some people feel irritable, or unable to concentrate. When you’re not hungry, you may eat because you feel bored, sad, or anxious, have happy memories of a certain item, or just like the way the…

  • Reassessing Your Targets

    Reassessing Your Targets

    Congratulations You have successfully completed your lifestyle program. Take a moment to acknowledge your successes and celebrate what you’ve accomplished. Maintain Your New Lifestyle To maintain your new healthy weight, you have to look at your life in maintenance as a continuing journey. There will be ups and downs, but things will even out. Maintaining…

  • When to break the fast

    When to break the fast

    When to break your fast? It is very important to test your blood glucose levels several times daily during your fast, so you can check you are keeping safe.  This is especially critical if you have type 1 diabetes or if you have type 2 diabetes and require insulin. Blood glucose monitoring and insulin injections…

  • What happens to the body during fasting?

    What happens to the body during fasting?

    What happens to the body during fasting? When we fast, at about eight hours after our last meal, our bodies start to use energy stores through glucose and fat to keep our blood glucose levels normal. For most people this is not harmful. Some people with diabetes may not be able to keep their glucose…

  • Diabetes in Ramadan

    Diabetes in Ramadan

    What is Ramadan Ramadan is the 9th month of the Muslim calendar. During this month, Muslims fast from sunrise to sunset. Fasting is considered one of the five pillars of Islam.  Do all Muslim Fast during Ramadan? As per Islamic regulations, all healthy adult Muslims should fast. Although exceptions exist for people with serious medical…