Tag: Obesity

  • Alcohol and My Health

    Alcohol and My Health

    Alcohol and Your Health For many, alcohol is forbidden and should be avoided. For those that choose to drink alcohol, you should drink in moderation, along with exercising and keeping a healthy diet. You should understand that studies have shown physical and mental health risks associated with alcohol consumption.  For those that still choose to…

  • Better Drink Choices

    Better Drink Choices

    Better Drink Choices Here are some ideas for healthy drinks: Add a splash of 100% juice to plain sparkling water. Carry a water bottle. Refill it all day long. Choose water or sparkling water. Drink tea or coffee without sugar. Enjoy them hot or cold. Flavor water with no-calorie drink mix. Have fun with water.…

  • What You Drink Makes Bigger Difference Than You Think

    What You Drink Makes Bigger Difference Than You Think

    What You Drink Makes A Bigger Difference Than You Think Many people don’t realize how much sugar and calories are in common beverages. A 500 ml bottle of soda contains about 17 teaspoons of sugar. Drinking one of these every day can lead to an extra 11 kilos of weight gain a year. Adding sugar…

  • Rethink Your Drink

    Rethink Your Drink

    Rethink Your Drink One way to cut calories is to think about what you drink. Since drinks don’t fill you up the way food does, calories from drinks easily add up. Replace Your Drink The good news is that you can replace drinks high in calories with drinks that are  low or have no calories,…

  • Dinner and Snacks Healthy Swaps

    Dinner and Snacks Healthy Swaps

    Healthy Food Swaps Dinner & Snacks Just like for breakfast and lunch, there are simple and quick food swaps you can use for dinner and snacks that can help you stay healthy.

  • Breakfast and Lunch: Healthy Swaps

    Breakfast and Lunch: Healthy Swaps

    Healthy Food Swaps Breakfast & Lunch Making healthy food swaps, whether it’s in the kitchen or when snacking on-the-go, is an easy way to eat a little healthier while still enjoying your favorite foods. Small, everyday changes to your diet are easier to achieve. It is also a good way to lose weight. Choosing healthier…

  • What Is Energy Balance?

    What Is Energy Balance?

    What Is Energy? When you eat and drink, you fuel your body with energy. Your body needs energy to keep you alive and for your organs to function normally. Everything you do through-out the day, like breathing, speaking, moving around, needs energy. What are Calories? The energy your body receives from food and drinks are…

  • Do Nutrition Labels Matter?

    Do Nutrition Labels Matter?

    Do Nutrition Labels Matter? Learning how to understand and use the Nutrition Facts label can help you make healthier eating choices and identify nutrient-dense foods for a healthy diet. Start with the serving information at the top. This will tell you the size of a single serving and the total number of servings per container.…

  • Food Logging

    Food Logging

    Food Logging A food diary can help you understand how your body reacts to different food items. It’s an excellent way to discover invaluable details about your relationship with food and to uncover what you might be mindlessly munching on. A food diary can: Show you how you feel before, during, and after you eat…

  • Weight Logging

    Weight Logging

    Why do I need to log my weight? Weight logging is an important part of healthy lifestyle changes. It helps you track your progress and adjust your plans going forward. How does it work with my band? If you were given a weight scale it was designed specifically to connect with your GluCare App and…