Category: Shop and Cook

  • Cooking With Less Fats

    Cooking With Less Fats

    Cook with Less Fat Low fat cooking methods will reduce your intake of saturated fat as well as lower your calorie intake which is useful for weight control. Try to bake, steam, grill, roast, microwave or stir-fry in a small amount of healthy oil or cooking spray in nonstick cookware. Remove the skin or fat…

  • Smart Cooking Tips

    Smart Cooking Tips

    Smart Cooking Tips Convenience foods such as takeaway and supermarket ready-to-eat meals can be expensive, and some are notoriously high in salt and fat. Fast foods are up to 65 per cent higher in calories, and larger in portion size than food prepared at home. If you lack the time or motivation to cook healthy,…

  • Helpful Healthy Shopping Tips

    Helpful Healthy Shopping Tips

    Helpful Healthy Shopping Tips You can shop for healthy food without spending a lot of time or money. A shopping list presents an organised approach which will help you get in and out of the grocery store without wasting time to look for groceries you don’t need.  By following your shopping list you can reduce…

  • Shopping Lists

    Shopping Lists

    Importance of Shopping Lists A shopping list gives you the opportunity to evaluate the type of foods you consume. The list is your line of defense against making poor, last-minute food choices. After you have planned your meals and snacks for the week, check your kitchen to see what you have. Then make a list…

  • Weekend Meal Planning with Snacks

    Weekend Meal Planning with Snacks

    Meal Plan For a Weekend A meal out with friends after work on Thursday, dinner at your favorite restaurant on Friday, and family gathering on Saturday. Before you know it the weekend just turned into a calorie-fest that undermines a week’s worth of healthy eating. A few healthy changes during the weekend can help you…

  • Weekday Meal Planning with Snacks

    Weekday Meal Planning with Snacks

    Meal Plan For a Weekday Create A Meal Plan Planning meals ahead of time will help you make healthier food choices, save time and reduce stress. Start by looking at the week ahead, assess your schedule and then decide on the recipes you want to make. Check the pantry for food items you already have…

  • Healthy in 3 Smart Steps

    Healthy in 3 Smart Steps

    Healthy in 3 Smart Steps Nutrition is a key factor in diabetes control. There are 3 Smart steps to take for making your nutrition plan come to life. Plan Smart Taking the time to plan meals in advance helps you balance your meals to meet your diabetes needs. This also will help you save time…