Getting Enough Sleep Can Help Prevent Type 2 Diabetes
Getting enough sleep can help you prevent or delay type 2 diabetes.
Too little sleep puts stress on your body, causing it to release hormones, including cortisol. “Cortisol increases insulin resistance and increases blood sugar levels.

It’s been well-documented that getting adequate sleep helps strengthen our immune system.Getting more sleep increases insulin sensitivity and reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes.
Get Enough Sleep
You should be getting a minimum of seven hours of sleep per night. It can be challenging to get enough sleep. Here are some common challenges and ways to cope with them.
Challenge: I stay up too late getting things done.
Ways To Cope
- Plan ahead so that you finish earlier.
- Ask family and friends to help you get things done.
- Save some tasks for another day.
- Make a list of things to do the next day. Then set it aside.

Challenge: I’m too hot or too cold.
Ways To Cope
- Turn the heat up or down. Or open a window.
- Dress for the weather.
- Choose the right bedding.
- Take a warm or cool bath or shower.

Challenge: My bed partner is restless, breathes, loudly, or snores.
Ways To Cope
- Ask your partner to blow their nose. Keep a box of tissues next to the bed.
- Ask your partner to sleep on their side or stomach.
- Ask your partner to get help from their healthcare provider.

Challenge: I can’t get comfortable.
Ways To Cope
- Stretch.
- If possible, get a bed, mattress,
and a pillow that you like.

Challenge: I’m thirsty.
Ways To Cope
- Have a drink at least two hours
before bedtime.
- If you must drink at bedtime, have just a sip.
Challenge: I keep getting up to use the bathroom.

Ways To Cope
- Avoid caffeine and alcohol.
- Stop drinking at least two hours before bedtime.
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