What are shopping triggers?

What are shopping triggers?

Triggers can be sights, smells, sounds, or feelings, so they can strike at any time. Commonly, triggers are found when shopping. 

What are common shopping triggers and how can I deal with them?

Close your eyes for a moment and picture your favorite aisle in the grocery store. 

Did you see the vegetables section? Or more likely, a section of “comfort foods” that are typically unhealthy. 

There are many triggers that can happen before and during shopping. The key is to identify your triggers and learn how to avoid, eliminate, or cope with them.

What are my triggers?

Have you ever experienced any of these triggers and responses while shopping?

Feeling hungry and buying something unhealthy that wasn’t on your list or on your meal plan.

Feeling sad, stressed, angry, or mad and buying something unhealthy even though you aren’t hungry and it isn’t on your meal plan.

Finding something unhealthy that is on sale and buying it anyway. 

Buying something unhealthy just because it looks good or because you always buy it.

Buying unhealthy foods for your family members. 

How do I deal with my triggers?

Some triggers can be avoided. For example, if you always stop at a particular store on your way home for an unhealthy snack, you can change your route home. 

Other triggers can be managed. For example, if you buy unhealthy food when you are stressed, do not go shopping when you feel that way.

If you buy unhealthy food when you are hungry, eat a healthy snack before you shop. 

If you like a good bargain, look for sales on vegetables and fruits and try new recipes for them

Some triggers are harder to deal with and you will need to learn to cope in a way that works for you.

For example, if your family has large dinners with lots of favorite foods, perhaps you can use a smaller plate, or eat slowly, or bring a dish that is more healthy that you can eat. 

It is important to know your own triggers and learn how to avoid, eliminate, or manage them. 

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