How Do I Treat Type 2 Diabetes?
T2DM is most effectively treated by losing weight, eating a healthy, well balanced diet, regular exercise, and, if needed, taking medications to help your body produce, or use, insulin correctly.

The type and amount of medication you need will be determined by your doctor and is based upon your age, weight, diet, exercise and other diseases you may have such as high blood pressure or high cholesterol.
Why Do I Need To Treat My Diabetes?
When glucose is not absorbed into your cells, it starts to build up in your bloodstream. Over time, this can cause many problems.

When you manage your diabetes well, these problems can be avoided.
How Do I Manage My Diabetes Well?
Your blood glucose levels change during the day for many reasons. Diet, insulin, stress, and sickness all affect it.

To keep your glucose levels steady it is important to measure your blood glucose regularly. Blood Glucose Monitors (BGM’s) are designed for you to do this at home, or wherever you are.
You are not alone!

Your GluCare team will work with you to help you learn how to manage your diabetes in a way that fits your lifestyle.
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